Saturday, June 11, 2016

Final Week + Banquet Tickets

This is our last week of week of U7 spring soccer.  I hope you had a good season and your player's got a bit better.

Moving on as U7 Director
This is also my (Doug Danoff's) final season as U7 Director.  I will be moving to fill the U9 Director position starting in the fall, so it does not feel like much of a change to me, but it feels noteworthy none-the-less.  Thank you all for letting me help to provide a healthy experience for your blooming players for the past 3 years as U7 director.  It has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done.

If you are moving up to U9, I will see you in the fall.  If not, I will see you in a year!

While I'm at it...  I encourage you to consider volunteering with the league.  There are may ways to do it.  We are always on the lookout for coaches, both for the in-town leagues and for the travel teams for the older kids.  No soccer experience AT ALL is required to be an in-town coach.  We also have several board positions to fill, including a treasurer.  If you have financial / accounting experience, please consider stepping up for this.

Banquet Tickets on Sale this Sunday
The U7 Banquet is this coming Tuesday (June 14).  It is at Anthony's on Canal St. in Malden.  Doors will open at 6:00 PM and the banquet will go until 8:00.

Pre purchased tickets will be available during the first session (9:00 -10:30) of tomorrow's game.  I will close the booth at 10:30 when my U7 team starts, so please time accordingly.

Prices if purchased in advanced tomorrow are:

  • Free for players and coaches
  • Adult tickets are $12 
  • Sibling tickets are $10

You can also purchase at the door, but the prices are higher: $15 for Adults and $12 for siblings

Don't Forget to Register early for the fall

Finally...  The fields...

Friday, June 3, 2016

Week 8 + Banquet + We play next week too!

UPDATE 7:10 AM - It looks like these sprinkles will clear up, but either way Soccer is ON today, we will play as usual.

Another update is that I will be handing out and selling banquet tickets for June 14 after the first session.  Today and next Sunday will be the only time to pre-purchase tickets.
  • Coaches and players get a complementary ticket
  • Adult tickets cost 12 today, or can be purchased for 15 at the door
  • Sibling tickets cost 10 today, or can be purchased for 12 at the door
  • Players must be accompanied by an adult and accompanying tickets must be purchased when picking up the children's tickets

Some important notes:

The U7 Banquet will be Tuesday, June 14 this year at Anthony's in Malden.  Dinner and trophies!  Doors will open at 6:00.  Ticket prices and instructions will be released soon, but please save the date.

Also, please note that we U7 WILL play next week, June 12.  It will be our last game of the spring season.  I would love to hear how your season went.

Registration for Fall soccer has opened.  Fall is the season where age groups change so good luck to the kids who are moving up!

Here are the field assignments this week...