Thursday, August 15, 2019


Hi Everyone,

We are preparing for the fall soccer season. Hopefully the weather is much better than it was this spring!!!

Our season will run for 9 weeks.  September 8th - November 3rd.

You will need:

#3 soccer ball (most appropriate for this age)
Shin pads  (these are required, no exceptions)
Sneakers or Cleats (cleats are not required)

We will have uniforms for your child on the first day, but have them wear comfortable clothes for that first day and appropriate for the weather there after.

You will have your schedule and team color, the week before we start.

There is still time to register for U7. If you have not done so, now is the time to do it.

If you have any questions or concerns during the season, I can always be reached at 781-389-2168 or email me at